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Mieke Geertrui De Ketelaere

At a training last year, i thought it appropriate to manage and update my emails, when i saw 'the storytelling topic' appear. I wasn't exactly waiting for a yet another self proclaimed guru on the subject.

From the start, it was clear to me that the session would be entirely different. Seldom have i been absorbed in a matter, by the way it was brought and animated. 

The examples, anecdotes and stories were funny, authentic and believable. All what was said and told was highly original and inspiring and served one purpose, to clarify what the 'art of storytelling' encompassed. 
During the session i was carried away in a spiral of emotions. I've laughed, i recognised myself in the situations, it was both confronting and funny but never in an attacking way. 

It seemed all very spontaneously, but the session had but one purpose, Guido worked on an arc of tension and a clear structure, leading to the clear understanding of what storytelling is all about. Getting the message across and remembered. There's only 1 guru who can use the epitheton 'leading by example' in his field and that is Guido 

Straight from the heart

content marketing is the new fad, with regard to good stories. Unfortunately it turns out to be a shameful excuse for bad and soulless blogs and optimised Google results. Not with Guido however. As a true craftsman, he practices the art of good storytelling. 


Stories work, when they are authentic, they grab the audience and make them drift awxay into another world. Guido's writings do exactly that, and it's something you feel, it's as simple as that. True stories, sharpening your messages, giving them soul and making them remembered. Also by your clients.

Walt Vandervelde

As a lector storytelling in the bachelor grade Idea & Innovation Management,  Erasmus Brussels, i invited Guido over the last three years as a guest lecturer. Not only the strong content of his sessions but his  natural flair and great sense of humour, make for highly appreciated sessions. He turns his lifelong communication and storytelling experience into a performance that captivates his audience from start to finish. Students adore him. Back by general demand...  

Guido Everaert is an annual (and well appreciated!) guest speaker at our International Week which is organised for students and (teaching staff) of both Dutch as well as international programmes at the faculty of business and economics at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

His skills and inspiration through the Storytelling workshops has not only benefitted our students but also our staff and lecturing colleagues, and our guests from many different universities across Europe and beyond.

We have already seen the results of Guido’s teaching skills in speeches made by colleagues. To give you an example. After a brief and intensive (spot on!)  coaching session of Guido, one of our programme managers completely changed his speech (in English) at the last moment! He started with a personal story and managed to engage the public. The fact that he was not used to speaking in English and still felt confident enough to follow Guido’s tips is a good sign of how Guido managed to give people confidence and enthusiasm. 

We hope for many happy returns of Guido to our International Week !

On behalf of the organising committee of the International Week – Thank you Guido!

I Got to know Guido on a seminar where seasoned and experienced marketeers inspired each other on very different and diverse levels. Guido is empathic, with an astute sense of humour. A professional with a lot of know how and a heart for the communication craft.  Communication with soul. 

“Back by popular demand.” The past five years, Guido became a regular in our international week at the Amsterdam Business School. Both students and teachers, managers and staff members need some help crafting the HvA story. Guido constantly pushes us in the right direction. 

Guido brings storytelling to live, he enthusiasms his audience and pushes the broader story. His presentation,s and workshops are fast, loud, energetic, fast and provocative....

Guido turns words into stories.

He transforms the briefing into a warm recognisable story.

Your story, as if it was there already, for years... He is a storyteller pur sang

Storytelling is an important craft to shape the past, the present and the future.

Stories are the beginning and the ending of everything. We need them to describe the history, to grasp the present and to shape our future. Stories to find a companion, a job or a simple moment of peace and quiet.

We can’t wait for them to start, and we don’t want them to end when they’re well told.

Guido knows how you write them. Sometimes you come across a story that strikes you with its beauty, its simplicity and clarity. And you marvel at the way it is done.


Guido knows how it is done and shares it with his audience.

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