Who am i?
And why should you work with me?
I was the little boy that used to get a grades for his writing assignments. Every club or association i joined got his own little magazine at some point in time. I was the one writing it, and probably the only one reading it, for all it mattered, but still... As a student i was a hustler, doing all sorts of jobs and occasionally passing tests. I sold literally everything from subscriptions to pints ands pizza's over campers and used cars.
Many years later, i discovered marketing and became a research consultant at the A.C. Nielsen company. A wonderful professional experience.
Soon after communication and advertising became the second big, joyous and wonderful period in my professional career. Learning things the hard way, playing hard, but working even harder. I wasn't a copywriter. I was a strategist, a business developer, an agency director.
I started to blog, developed a passion for social media and the tremendous power of good content and its capacity to make a difference. I told stories, big ones and mostly small ones. Storytelling it's called.
Anothe twist in my career. Speaking, storytelling, teaching and writing. I still teach, at Karel de Grote Hogeschool and as a guestlecturer in several other institutions, and enjoy it tremendously